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Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 10:09:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerry Friedman 
Subject: RE: (urth) catamites and narrators

--- James Wynn  wrote:
> --- Robert Borski  wrote:
> ...Pasicrates, who may see in Latro the ideal victim (and whose
> continued
> sexual exploitation may be the source of Latro's deep depression at the
> end
> of ARETE, it being sensed but not remembered by our hero); moreover, how
> (with the exception of the middle example above) the pederastic acts are
> all
> off-stage and never directly mentioned, but must be deduced (Wolfe being
> far
> too subtle a writer to offer us an easily recognized child molester as
> villain).
> Jerry Friedman then responded:
> An interesting topic.  I just want to mention that I don't think it's
> accurate to call Pasicrates' exploitation of Latro pederasty,
> since Latro is a grown man.
> Crush interjects:
> I was pretty sure that Pasicrates never had his way with Latro, although
> he
> wanted to. He tried to "force his hand" and lost it. I don't think see
> any
> hint that he was successful after Latro's return from the North. Are
> there
> some things specifically you noted? Latro's depression was surely due to
> the
> death of his lover, the Amazon (whose name I can't remember right now).

Don't mind me.  I'd forgotten that incident and was believing Robert.
I'll leave this one to people who have the book.

Jerry Friedman

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