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Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 12:20:10 -0500
From: "Charles Reed" 
Subject: Re: (urth) The cenoby files

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"Roy C. Lackey" wrote:

> When Marble was pressed into teaching only two sibyls were then living, fat
> Betel and fortyish Rose. Bio sibyls don't perform manual labor; there's no
> way either of those women carried a trunk up to the attic for a chem maid,
> and Pike couldn't enter the cenoby. Marble put that trunk up there.

Not necessarily.  Based on the theory that I put forth in my last post, Betel
was involved in "hiding" maid-of-all-work Magnesia as Maytera Marble.  In such
circumstances, I can easily see how Betel "took care of" Magnesia's old things.
Either Betel climbed into the attic to hide the trunk or she had someone else do
it -- presumably Rose.

To me, the only thing that's still unresolved about the whole issue is this:  If
Magnesia used to go up and down the attic steps several times a day during her
cleaning duties, and she stopped doing that 184 years ago, and she didn't become
Maytera Marble until some 50-odd years ago (call it 54 years ago), what was she
doing during the intervening 130 years?


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"Roy C. Lackey" wrote:
When Marble was pressed into teaching only two sibyls were then living, fat
Betel and fortyish Rose. Bio sibyls don't perform manual labor; there's no
way either of those women carried a trunk up to the attic for a chem maid,
and Pike couldn't enter the cenoby. Marble put that trunk up there.
Not necessarily.  Based on the theory that I put forth in my last post, Betel was involved in "hiding" maid-of-all-work Magnesia as Maytera Marble.  In such circumstances, I can easily see how Betel "took care of" Magnesia's old things.  Either Betel climbed into the attic to hide the trunk or she had someone else do it -- presumably Rose.

To me, the only thing that's still unresolved about the whole issue is this:  If Magnesia used to go up and down the attic steps several times a day during her cleaning duties, and she stopped doing that 184 years ago, and she didn't become Maytera Marble until some 50-odd years ago (call it 54 years ago), what was she doing during the intervening 130 years?

Charles --------------D7043B51D98C439233B3DEAB--

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