Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 07:58:27 -0700 From: Michael Andre-DriussiSubject: (urth) chem slavery and bio slavery Roy, Interesting post on Bio bias and the potential of disguised chem slavery. Very meaty. The situation of the chems at points comes close to "wage slavery," but even then, the term slave is firmly in place. Moving along . . . Once the Cargo got to the world of Blue, we know that real, no mistaking it, bio slavery started up almost immediately. (IIRC it was "early bird" colonists seizing late bird colonists.) Do you suppose that the chems on the Whorl "kept slavery alive" and thus facilitated the adoption of bio slavery (that is, the colonists express a learned institution), or is bio slavery an inherent part of the human condition which would have come up even if there had been no chems (in which case chem slavery is a blessing in the sense that it moves bios away from bio slavery: allowing bios to treat bios as non-slaves)? =mantis= P.S. Olivia an adultress? Roy, you surprise me again! I had not thought such a thing was in your no-nonsense reading of PEACE . . . I hesitate to even guess who the party or parties might be, nevermind the complicated ramifications. Please tell! =m= --