Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:41:18 -0700 From: Michael Andre-DriussiSubject: (urth) PEACE: farmgirl Margaret Lorn and the Bell Witch I trust that Roy (and anybody else) can answer this quick question. It is quite possible we've been through this before and I've forgotten. That Margie is sure a little vixen! The sequence with her and Weer at the farm (in section 2: "Olivia") is wonderfully like Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher, especially when they are in the cavernous barn and she is teasing him about the bad goat she is about to set loose against him -- then he discovers the egg. (Boy and girl, cave, treasure sought . . . it doesn't harm that Injun Jim and his cave is mentioned in section 5.) The Bell Witch episode in the "Gold" section is another one: is she playing a trick on Weer, just like her goat trick, or is there a real ghost? As per my rule before, it is real, whether Margaret means it as a trick or not. But my question is this: when did the Bell Witch scene happen? When the egg hunting party arrived, it was raining cats and dogs. I guess the hunters did spend the night; I guess the Bell Witch scene could be the next day before they left with the egg. =mantis= --