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Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 13:20:07 -0500
From: StoneOx17@aol.com
Subject: Re: (urth) PEACE: Gold hunt's end at the box in the hole

Mantis writes, about the hole Weer dug with 
Lois (at the end of the Gold Hunt):

> But the fact remains that the diggers seem to 
> have hit a container of some kind: if it was 
> not the strongbox, then the next most likely 
> item would be a coffin.  In order to be sure 
> that it was not a strongbox with gold, they
> had to excavate enough to determine its size.

If I remember correctly, this section is next to
to the Bell Witch section, with the porch step 

I had assumed that they found a flat stone shaped 
roughly like the top of a treasure box, which Weer 
then used as a tombstone when he buried Lois in 
the hole they dug.  

Mantis presciently disagrees:
> (I don't think he kills her, even though there 
> is a ready-dug grave right there.)

The fact that earlier, Lois said that she wasn't 
planning on digging up any graves takes on added 
significance in either case, whether they 
discover a coffin or whether Weer kills her.  

Stone Ox


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