Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 20:41:05 -0600 Subject: Re: (urth) Gnostic Wolfe From: Adam Stephanideson 11/4/02 7:50 PM, Alice K. Turner at aturner6@nyc.rr.com wrote: > (and I don't know why > some of you are making a Typhon/Pas split--Wolfe doesn't in his interviews). Whether or not he makes it in his interviews, it is clearly present in the books. Typhon is the ruler of Urth who built the Whorl; Pas is a copy of Typhon's personality that was downloaded into a computer. One could say that Pas is Typhon in the sense that Silk-in-Mainframe is Silk; but the entity that ordered the Whorl to be built was killed by Severian on Urth. --Adam --