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Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:03:49 -0500
From: Fr Kipling Cooper 
Subject: Re: (urth) TBotNS - Pinakotheken solved!

* Fr Kipling Cooper  [07 Nov 02 07:31]:
> Book I, chapter v "and the pinakotheken, with their great hallway topped
> with a vaulted roof of window-pirced brick."
> After much digging it would seem that pinakothek=picture gallery in
> German, but wouldn't the suffix denote the plural?  or perhaps 'gallery'
> as in chamber, and thus many chambers off a single great hallway?

   PINACOTHECA, a picture-gallery (Gr. lrLvaKoOI7K,7, from 7rLvaE, a tablet or
    picture). The name is especially given to the building containing pictures
     which formed the left wing of the Propylaea on the Acropolis at Athens.
    Though Pausanias (Bk. II., xxii. 6) speaks of the pictures which time had
   not effaced, which seems to point to fresco painting, the fact that there is
    no trace of any preparation for stucco on the walls rather shows that the
      paintings were easel pictures (J. G. Frazer, Pausaniass Description of
      Greece, 1898, iI. 252). The Romans adopted the term for the room in a
    private house containing pictures, statues, and other works of art. It is
     used for a public gallery on the continent of Europe, as at Bologna and
        Turin. At Munich there are two galleries known as the Old and New

AMAZING online dictionary site: http://www.onelook.com -  the above coming
from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Brittanica.  Thus defined, there could
indeed be many 'pinakotheken' off a dingle great hallway.


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