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Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 14:54:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerry Friedman 
Subject: Re: (urth) Free Live Free, the unnamed city

--- Michael Andre-Driussi  wrote:
> Roy wrote:
> > And the
> >Flying Carpet is near the airport. The flask and the matches point to
> New
> >York City. I don't think that is the city, but the city is probably
> close to
> >NYC. The television commentator said it was a major US city. It's
> definitely
> >not Philadelphia. It's far enough north to get cold and have snow. If
> the
> >shuttle used in 1942 operated under the same conditions as in 1982-3
> (never
> >too far from _High Country_), then that plane landed at Langley Field,
> >Virginia. The high and mighty aboard the _High Country_ probably wanted
> to
> >stay close to the center of government power in Washington DC. The
> city, if
> >it exists, should be between there and NYC, as I see it.
> That narrows it down dramatically!  There are not that many major cities
> between DC and NYC, and tending toward the coast: Baltimore, Wilmington
> (major?), Philadelphia, Atlantic City (major?), and Trenton (major?).

I think Newark is a possibility too.  And why not a little bit
north/east of New York?  Say New Haven, or more likely Providence,
home of Lovecraft.  For some reason I always suspected it was B'more,
but that may be only a reflection of my ignorance.

Jerry Friedman

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