From: "Roy C. Lackey"Subject: Re: (urth) Poor Moly Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 21:54:47 -0600 >Crush responds: >If one femchem was as good as another to Hammerstone, why did he leave >Marble and have the child they were making broken up when she revealed that >she was Magnesia? I probably shouldn't even ask, but **where, in or out of the whorl, did you get such an idea???** >Whether femchems **looked** the same or not (and I contend there **must** >have been **some** visual difference so bios could tell who they were >dealing with and so they could locate chems who ran away without paying >their building indenture), surely Hammerstone knew **something** of the >particular femchem he was married/engaged to like say... ***where she >worked.**** You aren't denying I presume that Hammerstone and Moly ever >met?? Sure, he met her, but not at Sun Street. Moly didn't work at a cenoby. She was a **housemaid** (LS3: 3), according to Hammerstone, and is so described in the list of characters, as distinguished from a "maid-of-all-work", which is how Marble, nee Magnesia, is described in the list of characters in LS4. >"I have heard it said that she was the oldest biochemical person in this >quarter, and it may well have been true. _She belonged to the last of those >fortunate generations for which prosthetic devices remained_, devices whose >principles are lost even to our wisest." (emphasis added) >Roy continues: >The question of whether or not prosthetics can still be made, or are being >made, becomes moot for purposes of this argument. The quote establishes, >once again, that Rose got her prosthetics many years ago (two generations), >when they were still readily available. That suffices to undermine your >theory that they came from Betel, who had taken them from a >murdered/martyred chem maid. There was no need for that. > >Crush responds: >Where are you getting this? We know Rose got her parts about 40 years ago >(probably less). Actually you have argued that she got *most* of her parts >more recently. Nope. What I actually said on the subject was: "Rose didn't receive all her prosthetics at the same time, that's all; she would have scared the hell out of that boy if she had. Much of her face was prosthetic, both arms and both legs, her "ears", one eye, and a host of internal organs." And, actually, Rose got her first prosthetics (the hand and arm Blood saw as a boy) **more** than forty years ago. Blood was born when she was 40. She lost touch with him when he was 9. She was about 94 when she died. >That is NOT **many** years ago by any stretch, nor is it the >time period typically associated with "two generations." Two generations _is_ many years, in terms of a human life span. >The only reason I have for saying Betel got the parts first, is the flags in >the **text**. Marble insisted on continuously being shriven of her "lie" to >**Betel**. Marble inherits from **Betel** yellowed ivory beads (which I >assure you are remarkably like betel nuts in color and shape) on a silver >chain (the color of molybdenum). Not from the text, but also significant IMO >is that "betel" is a narcotic made from the leaves of the betel vine mixed >with mineral lime. I'd love to drop the Betel connection if I could. It >would make everything so much more tidy. You have an analogy. Not even a slingshot, much less a smoking gun. I'll grant you that Wolfe doesn't always leave a smoking gun in plain sight, but I want to at least smell the smoke. -Roy --