From: "Chris"Subject: Re: (urth) Get a bigger hammer Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 17:35:15 +0000 Roy: I don't disagree with a lot of what you've said, so I won't go point by point. What I feel you've overlooked, though, is that I mentioned *two* types of interpretation, of which you are looking at the second. The *first* is the one that is concerned with authorial intent, and can be the source of misinterpretation of the author. The second, as I presented it, should never be employed with *any* pretension of being able to present what the author actually meant. It is commonly used in cases where the text simply can't be "decoded" using the material at hand. I see it often used with Wolfe - though quite often incorrectly, where someone has conflated the two methods and, like you describe, got it into their head that what they think sounds good *must* be what Wolfe meant. But perhaps a better example of what I'm talking about would be the Art of War, or even better the I Ching. These texts are renowned for their ability to be interpreted distinctly out of context - and yet still yield readings that are often applicable to a vast variety of things. The author's intent is cast aside quite early in that process. Chris (Point taken on the cheese) >Chris wrote: > >The second possibility is to, as a reader, come up with a reading of the > >text that is as aesthetically pleasing (to you) as you can. In this sense >we > >are in some way pushing each other to come up with more beautiful > >interpretations in consistency, form, and symmetry among other things - >and > >in this context, what the author *meant* has little if anything to do >with > >matters. > >I cannot agree. Authorial intent is not to be dismissed so casually. >Propagandists of one stripe or another have historically cited respected, >even revered, sources in support of their cause. The Bible is a good >example. Verses can be (and have been) quoted from it that would seem to >justify a whole host of evils, from slavery to war to genocide. The Nazis >quoted Nietzsche. _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail&xAPID=42&PS=47575&PI=7324&DI=7474&SU= http://www.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg&HL=1216hotmailtaglines_addphotos_3mf --