Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 11:11:10 -0700 From: maa32Subject: (urth) tease me? Just a brief comment. It is obvious that Wolfe is teasing either myself or the member of the list who confirmed that his statement was a jest. We can't say with any certainty who Wolfe would be more likely to tease. Let's define my correspondence with Wolfe in terms of how we speak to one another. I have not asked him any questions about Short Sun since last January, when he declined to answer a whole slew of them. I haven't talked about my interpretations to him since then, because he says he doesn't like tromping out the definitive answer because it kills discussion and the magic of the work. I haven't mentioned my questions for about a year. I sent him a Christmas card this year with a Spruce tree and a man with a staff. I drew a little smiley face on the staff, and I put teeth in the trees. Then I put a PS that said I liked the card because of the spruce and the staff. Then I asked in my PPS if the narrator traveled through the short sun so that blue could be Urth. As far as I know, that's all Mr. Wolfe knows of my theories. I don't bombard him like I do the list. His reply: "I like the spruce and the staff, TOO". On the back of the card: "No, No, NO! Green is Urth." The question - does he remember my conjecture from, no joke, a year ago? Why would he tease me about it? Mostly we talk about books we've read in common and the daily grind of life - not his work, except for my copious praise of his genius (and therefore I vicariously praise my own appreciative genius for having the sublime intellect to savor his work). Marc Aramini --