From: "ArchD'Ikon Zibethicus"Subject: (urth) Doubled Neighbours Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:49:00 +0000 Tom: >Maybe I'm just stating the obvious here, but the "doubled" people >seem right out of Aristophanes speech in the _Symposium_. Funny; haven't been around Urth much the last couple of days, but this possiblity was nagging at me this very morning...the text states, however, that the Platonic people were _round_ and _double-faced_, but I guess that it's a serviceable analogy if you drop those details...and why not? ->Zx<- ____________________________________________________________ Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise. - Lewis Carroll ________________________________________________ Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion. - Democritos _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963 --