From: "James Wynn"Subject: RE: (urth) The leatherskin Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 11:06:10 -0600 William Ansley heroically proffers: Way back on October 18, 1999 I argued that the leatherskin has twelve legs and no one has bothered arguing with my conclusions yet. What I said then: ---------------- The leatherskin, one of the largest I have ever seen, stood with six massive legs and half its weight on the starboard gunwale, over which silver water cascaded. [OBW (hc), p. 62] ---------------- If this creature has only six legs and all of them are on the starboard gunwale (rather a tricky balancing act in the first place), then how can the gunwale be only bearing half its weight? Crush blunders forward: Ok. I think I have an understanding of what a leatherskin looks like. The leatherskin is giant dugong with six pectoral flippers and a manticore's jaws. The reason "half its weight" was on the starboard gunwale was because its massive tail-end was dangling in the water. See the following link for my full explanation: http://www.urth.org/whorlmap/leatherskin.htm --- Crush --