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Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 11:19:42 -0700
From: maa32 
Subject: (urth) Doors: opening the man trap

I have a hard time accepting that Wolfe would ever be sympathetic to a 
feminine point of view, especially when attempting to equate the moral stance 
of the novel There Are Doors with a perspective analogous to Graves.

The very premise of the novel is that sex with a woman can kill you dead, 
dead, dead.  Is reproduction worth it?  Of course Mr. Green wants the goddess.
 Perhaps choosing earthly love is bad if it could kill you.  He is an ordinary 
man who cannot free himself from the ordinary entrapment - the flowering 
stigma of the goddess, which exists only to trap his pollen.  I see the novel 
as the failure of ordinary men to overcome the sexual drive.  While love might 
be worth it, the love Wolfe talks about is not necessarily sexual in nature.  
I think.

Mr. Green is just kind of dumb.

Marc Aramini


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