Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 17:16:46 -0800 From: Michael Andre-DriussiSubject: (urth) DOORS: what city, please? Hey Roy! (And everybody else.) What you think -- is the city of TAD the same city as the one in FLF? The city in TAD is: -- On the eastern seaboard. -- Far enough north that there is ice in the harbor (at least in Otherworld, iirc). -- Is the nation's capital in Otherworld but not in Visitor's World. . . . all pretty trace. But when Doctor Nilson of Visitor's World says "Last winter there was a blackout," it reminded me of the winter blackout in FLF (which was pivotal to that story). On a similar tangent, North seems to have been in Otherworld for 10 to 16 years of Visitor's World time: that is, he seems to have gone there circa 1972, and it is 1982-88 (break-up of Ma Bell and year of publication. So how many O-days is that? We are told that 4 O-days = 33 days (hc p. 171), hmmm, so each O-day is 8.25 days long. Ten years would be 443 O-days; 16 years would be 708 O-days. =mantis= --