From: "ArchD'Ikon Zibethicus"Subject: (urth) I wonder... Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 10:35:39 +0000 You have provoked me into public musing... The way _I_ read TAD, there was no suggestion that Green was necessarily going to his death. As to the general issue of the 'reality' of the Goddess, if I remember correctly, Mr. Wolfe stated in I/V that he felt that the Greek gods in the Soldier series were _real_ enough, all right, but not necessarily gods per se...something which the late Mr. Lafferty also declared in 'Fourth Mansions'... Altogether, it makes me wonder about how much of an author's religious outlook we should be reading into their fiction, assuming they have declared an explicit outlook... >from where >Lewis sat, it would seem quite important - the difference >between harmless or even "wholesome" fabulation and heresy, in fact. A very important difference, I would say...but, in the juvenile Narnia fictions, he has Tash as a god in 'The Last Battle', a _real_ god as I read it - at any rate, he exterminates someone who has called on him in vain - but an evil god. My reading, anyway...perhaps the confusion here is between the terms 'god' and 'deity'? Should we define, Socratically, before proceeding further? >It includes the Inklings' work (Williams too) Finally! Someone who remembers that Williams was there! And this helps to make my point a little clearer; in 'The Place of the Lion', Williams has - more-or-less, and speaking very loosely - certain Jungian 'archetypes' (I'm starting to dislike that word) come to life, and examines their effect upon a community. Does this make Williams any less of a sincere Christian, although it is hardly orthodox theology? (We shall pass over his early membership of the Golden Dawn in judicious silence...) >I believe Wolfe is writing WITHIN that tradition. I don't know whether Mr. Wolfe's works fit neatly within a single framework. From my reading of them, I would guess that he is indulging in speculative fiction - he advances many ideas, 'good', 'bad', and otherwise, for the sake of their fictive value rather than for specifically theological purposes per se. I would imagine that Mr. Wolfe, like C S Lewis, would be quite capable of writing a theological text if he so desired. And I would further suspect that dealing with religious issues and questions in and through fiction is a very different process to that of the advancement of theological opinion...at least, for authors of deep religious faith... >Incidentally, I'm always surprised at how often people claim to have >been >convinced of the Gospel by CSL's non-fiction. I've found his fiction (for >example, "Til We Have Faces") to be so much more compelling. Without wishing in any way to hurt the feelings of any of the Christians on this list, I feel obliged to say that I, personally, find both CSL's fiction and non-fiction less than compelling on this matter...purely personal opinion of a non-Christian religious person... I have read the story of his gradual journey to belief, and find that, in itself, much more interesting than the subsequent statements, but I, personally, find his after-death appearance to an unsuspecting Christian minister who had been an acquaintance in his life to be the most interesting thing he ever did regarding religion, if you will allow that 'he' did it... ->Zx<- ____________________________________________________________ Consciousness will always be one degree above comprehensibility. - G.C.H. Ehrensvard ____________________________________________________________ Weep at least once to see God. - Sri Ramakrishna _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus --