Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 08:25:35 -0800 From: Michael Andre-DriussiSubject: Re: (urth) Lowering the tone Nigel wrote: >Is it simply too gross to point to the phallic associations of the name, or >at least its diminutive? No, not at all. Thanks for raising the point -- bringing it up -- drawing it to our attention. For all I know "Attis" might have a similar etymology (aside from association). Speaking of Attis, the FUNK & WAGNALLS STANDARD DICTIONARY OF FOLKLORE, MYTHOLOGY, AND LEGEND has some nice notes: mention of the pine connection, which we've noted before; a calendar of events, which goes like this === March 22 -- pine tree is cut and brought into the sanctuary of Cybele where it is "swathed with woolen bands, decked with violets" and has an effigy of a young man tied to it. March 23 -- no comments given. March 24 -- Day of Blood, with bloodletting and probably the self-emasculation rites. March 25 -- the resurrection celebration in a "licentious carnival." (I've always thought that this must be among the non-castrated, but this just shows my own ridiculous biases.) March 26 -- day of repose. March 27 -- festival closes with a procession of the goddess image to the Almo River where wagon and image were bathed. === Beware the ides of March, indeed! Intriguing, but Green left Earth on March 14, came back April 15. Arthur Cotterell's A DICTIONARY OF WORLD MYTHOLOGY has this tidbit: "Union was achieved through either self-mutilation or a sacred marriage: to all devotees was open what had once been the prerogative of West Asian kingship" (under ATTIS). I find this interesting as a case where there is mention of an option to self-castration: a "sacred marriage." =mantis= --