Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 09:50:42 +1100 From: Che MonroSubject: RE: (urth) Che's "Gender in TBOTLS" and "Questions" >Crush responds soothingly: >Since I'm primarily responsible for all this, I'll take some of this on... Gosh, thanks Crush. :) >First, my opinions have developed about regarding Hyacinth and Chenille >since I made those arguments. I believe I now understand EXACTLY what's >going on with Chenille and why her name is sexually ambiguous. I'm think I >have a **general** understanding of Hyacinth and I no longer see any reason >that she is male. But I'm still developing the evidence both these >characters so that's all I'll say. *laughs* But Hyacinths are a male symbol, as used in um, The Wasteland by=20 T. S. Elliot. Yup yup. As you pointed out. >You didn't mention the one character with whose cross-dressing I am >satisfied with both the evidence and the thematic value. That is, Incus! Um, now you make me sad that I've lent my book of the Long Sun to someone=20 and haven't got it here to refer to. What about the Chem guard I mentioned= =20 who used to dress up and who got killed in an attempted rape? *sighs* Poor= =20 character. I'm satisfied with that evidence, althouh, I am fairly literal=20 minded and I read things at face value mostly. You can see why I'm not the= =20 ideal Wolfe fan, I just love his style and emotion and storytelling power,= =20 but most of his tricksyness goes straight over my poor simple pretty little= =20 head. > >Then he asks: > > 2a. The Fifth Head of Cerebus. I never understood > >this story at all. Who's a clone of who? > >What service does the house provide, > >just what's going on here? Lovely story, but I can't > >make head or tale of it. > >Crush helps as much as he can: >The original of the clones (whom we'll call "Original") cloned himself and >then committed suicide to create Mr. Million. The clone (whom we'll call >Number Two) cloned himself to create Maitre. Maitre (who is fourth in order >after Original, Number Two, and Mr. Million) murdered Number Two and cloned >himself to create Number Five. Number Five murdered Maitre, went to prison, >and was released (perhaps there was a coup or St. Croix lost its war with >St. Anne). He then returned to "the Cave" and cloned himself again. > >"The Cave" is a brothel. Ug. So Biology really is destiny then? I love that story and the whole=20 shape changer setup, but there's so much about it that I don't understand. I'd love to hear your ideas about Chenile too. I liked her, although it's=20 Silk and Oreb who I read the book for, mostly. But there's so much in=20 there, isn't there? Definitely a desert island book. I reckon that you=20 could spend 20 years reading the 3 Wolf series on a desert island and still= =20 not get to the bottom of it. I could, anyhow. Cheers, Che Ch=E9 Franz Joseph Monro -- http://www.chemonro.com che@chemonro.com -- flirt@technologist.com --