From: "James Wynn"Subject: RE: (urth) The Book of Typhon and Silk as Typhon Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 17:10:17 -0600 Don notes: This segment is more speculative than the last since I haven't gotten to a second reading of the Long Sun books. Nevertheless, I am firmly convinced of its correctness overall. My argument is simply that Silk is a clone of the monarch Typhon... Wolfe describes Silk as having a "reddish-blond beard" (Litany of the Long Sun p. 187). So? Here is a passage from Graves' King Jesus describing JC: "You have a Typhonic, or harvest-red, beard. . ." (KJ p. 221) How coincidental that Wolfe gives Silk a feature that ties him not only to sacred kingship but also directly to Typhon. Crush backs Don: Although you say you consider your Long Sun theories "more speculative", I'd say this connection is the clearest of all. It positively establishes your months-long assertion about "King Jesus" being a Wolfean source and places you in the catbird seat regarding Silk's genetic relation to Typhon. IMO The ball is in the court of any detractors to show that these theories are not likely. I'm not as convinced of your Severian/Typhon heritage theories, but that **could** be only because I haven't yet spent the time that you have considering it. For instance, I've yet to read "King Jesus." -- Crush --