From: "Gareth Jelley"Subject: Re: (urth) Three Fingers Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:49:49 -0000 From: "Michael Andre-Driussi" > The story is in THE ISLAND OF DOCTOR DEATH AND OTHER STORIES AND OTHER STORIES. I've just finished 'Three Fingers', and am working my way through tIoDDaOSaOS, in order. Each of the stories has been perplexing in its own way, but 'Three Fingers' left me more satisfied, perhaps, than others I've read so far. I've read the archived messages, and I have to admit that I hadn't thought of them as Disney villains, specifically... I'd simply pictured them as sort-of generic bad-guys... The Disney link is no doubt there, it's just that there are certain things in stories that no matter how clearly sign-posted, I always miss. But what do people think about this passage, and what it means? "He tried to swallow it before she could get in another, and found that it had become a red jelly bean too, and went down easily." Do you think it is supposed to imply that the boy's perceptions are changing, and that he is, thus, delusional? Or are his perceptions being changed. Is he mad, basically? Is the whole denoument, basically, just a confrontation between three caring adults, and one mad child; and is the child, because he is delusional, imagining this confrontation in terms and codes and conventions that he is familiar with (and obssessed by)? So all 'bad people' become bad people from cartoons, and all the nasty pills people use become the sweets, dangerous in the same way the sweets in Hansel-and-Gretel are dangerous? I'm intrigued, anyway, and would be interested to hear from others :o) Best, G. http://scribeoflight.livejournal.com - updated frequently --