Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 12:06:01 +1000 From: Che MonroSubject: Re: (urth) Immortals and Archaic Rome >Her 9.65 is interesting. "I find it surprising that although the battle=20 >took place by the gove of Demeter, not a single Persian either entered the= =20 >precinct or died there ... I think the goddess kept them away because they= =20 >ahd burnt her temple at Eleusis." Somewhere in that, I suppose, is the=20 >story of what happened between Latro, "bearer of the wolf's tooth", and=20 >the Goddess, which I hope we'll someday get to hear. "Look lady, I don't care who you are, I've got orders to burn this temple=20 like we did with the other one at Eleusis so either get out or I'll carry=20 you out..." Che Ch=E9 Franz Joseph Monro -- http://www.chemonro.com che@chemonro.com -- flirt@technologist.com=20 --