Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 10:08:37 +0100 From: Tony EllisSubject: Re: (urth) How would you rate Wolfe as a short story writer? Sam Keyes wrote: > So maybe it's not that Wolfe is weaker in short stories, > but rather that short stories, formally, are usually weaker--or, I ought > to add, weaker at asking the questions and playing the games that Wolfe > likes to do, which are usually on a grand scale. I=B9m always surprised when I see people post that they don=B9t rate Wolfe so much as a short story writer. If they=B9re expecting the big, multi-layered mysteries of his novels, as you suggest, that might explain why. Personally I enjoy Wolfe every bit as much for his short stories as for his novels, and I've read about 95% of them. I love a good stylist and a I love a writer who knows how to be concise, and Wolfe excels in both these areas. I agree that some stories are a lot better than others, but I still find th= e average Wolfe short more rewarding than the average short by most other SF writers. I also find it very hard to imagine an entire canon of 300-odd short stories all as good as Kevin Malone, The War Beneath the Tree, Agains= t the Lafayette Escadrille etc =AD gems which I have read over and over again simply for the pleasure of the writing This=20email=20and=20any=20files=20transmitted=20with=20it=20are=20confide= ntial=20and=20intended=20solely=20for=20the=20use=20of=20the=20individual=20= or=20entity=20to=20which=20they=20are=20addressed.=20If=20you=20have=20rec= eived=20this=20email=20in=20error=20please=20reply=20to=20this=20email=20a= nd=20then=20delete=20it.=20Please=20note=20that=20any=20views=20or=20opini= ons=20presented=20in=20this=20email=20are=20solely=20those=20of=20the=20au= thor=20and=20do=20not=20necessarily=20represent=20those=20of=20Future.=20 The=20recipient=20should=20check=20this=20email=20and=20any=20attachments=20= for=20the=20presence=20of=20viruses.=20Future=20accepts=20no=20liability=20= for=20any=20damage=20caused=20by=20any=20virus=20transmitted=20by=20this=20= email.=20 Future=20may=20regularly=20and=20randomly=20monitor=20outgoing=20and=20inc= oming=20emails=20and=20other=20telecommunications=20on=20its=20email=20and= =20telecommunications=20systems.=20By=20replying=20to=20this=20email=20you= =20give=20your=20consent=20to=20such=20monitoring. --