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From: "Dan'l Danehy-Oakes" 
Subject: Re: (urth) For Josh: Apology for (apparent) Unintended Offence
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 10:43:49 -0700

>Which I misinterpreted. Everyone out here is a bit sensitive about this
>issue. Lots of people, especially in the whiter parts of the South Bay,
>sneer at East San Jose, and I jumped to the conclusion that you were
>doing the same. On a second reading, I see no justification for that
>conclusion, and am sorry I said 'fuck you, white boy' to you. I get a
>little hot under the collar sometimes.

I can understand that. My Spousal Overunit has also been known to
jump down the throats of jerks who treat ESJ as a huge undifferentiated
slum/barrio. I don't do that, but I also know better than to think that

Oh, and gracious apology noted and accepted.

>I would, however, still like to thank you for all of the encouragement
>and support you are giving me with my little almost-project.

As for that: I do not intend to be coldwatering it. I have a personal
approach of looking for rocks and shoals long before the shore is even
visible, which leads people to think I'm a naysayer. I'm really not; I'm
really hoping to avoid the rocks and shoals and get to shore safely.
Which is a lousy metaphor because I'm not even comfortable on boats,
but there it is.

Just call me the white boy who cried "Wolfe."


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