From: "James Wynn"Subject: Re: (urth) Typhon and Quetzal Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 20:59:04 -0500 > Yes, but Quetzal is the only inhumu who is a Sun archetype, Dionysus. How can you say that? You are the one that argued (successfully IMO) that Silk is a clone of Typhon! If Silk parallels Apollo (one of the more indisputable parallels with him prophecing at the Sun St. mantaeon and all) then Pas is a Sun archetype too. Actually he's the ultimate Sun parallel because as a module/interface of Mainframe he is the Long Sun itself. Are you partial to Quetzal being Ladon because it fits so nicely with the Tree in the Garden? Regardless of what the comparitive mythology references say, Ladon and the Eden serpent are patently not the same characters (unless one says that Atlas and or Heracles is Jesus, but that would undermine the comparitive arguement). I think it would be obvious to Wolfe that this is so, as soon as he tried (as surely occurred to him) to draw the connection between the two. Ladon *guards* the fruit of the Hesperides, but the Eden serpent enticed humanity to eat of it. Or to use Quetzal's story, the cobra *wanted* the man and woman to climb his Tree. I know, I know. There's an astromical connection. But I'm talking about the context of the stories. Anyway, the inhumi are the fabled Pajaro Cu, which was created without feathers (that is, without personality), and took the feathers from the other creatures around him. You seem to be suggesting that they *do* come with personalities. On top of this, is Wolfe's stated claim that Typhon did not know about the inhumi (granted that I believe Wolfe lies, but not in so blatently). Finally, associating Quetzal via cloning is overly complex. Quetzal could just as well become another Silk by feeding on him (which I'm convinced he did). If you are convinced that Quetzal is to be thematically *identified* with Typhon/Pas rather that "merely" associated with him (as Moses and Alexander the Great are associated), I'd be curious to know what are your other reasons for this. I think identifying Ladon with Pas is so much cleaner. BTW if you can explain how Severian and Typhon can be clones and yet look so different -- ideally if you can name some textual suggestion that it is possible --it would be helpful to your Typhon-Severian theory, and would make me extremely receptive to it. But mythopoetically speaking, shouldn't Severian and Typhon be brothers? Cloning would make them the same person, or father and son, as I understand Wolfe's POV on it. Unless Typhon is a fellow clone. -- Crush --