From: douge@nti.com (Doug Eigsti) Subject: (whorl) CANT Lexicon Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 10:29:52 [Posted from Whorl, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] CANT Lexicon - first installment for NIGHTSIDE THE LONG SUN. 1/8/97 Gene Wolfe has created a convincing culture in THE BOOK OF THE LONG SUN. The judicious use of street slang among certain social elements adds to the believability. A working vocabulary of the local lingo called Cant will help the reader navigate the streets if Viron: WORD = Definition (Vollume No.; Page No.) ABRAM = Crazy (I; 280) BOILIN' = Hot, Stolen (I; 38) CANT = Sreet talk (I; 42, 100) A CARD IN A CART = A lay a month for a year (I; 246) COLD UP AND FULL OF JUMP = Raring to go (I; 98) CULL = A guy DELL = A girl (or Broad may be more appropriate) (I; 280, 281) DIMBER = Nimble (I; 40) The FISC = The Bank (I; 304) I'm no FLASH CULL = I'm no rocket scientist (I; 42) FLAT = Broke (I; 267) Don't GO THE NOSE = Don't pull any punches (I; 80) Rollin' him over to HOPPY = Turn in to the Police (I; 38) That's your LAY = your speciality (I; 309) LILY = The lily white truth (I; 22, 91, 178) PLUCKED = Slipped out from hiding (I; 279) We're QUITS = I'm out'a here (I; 24) Not a PIP OF THE SCAVY = Don't know diddly (I; 99) SHAGGY = All purpose expletive (I; 95, 168, 249, 250) SHAVE = A Lie (I; 80) SOLVED = Robbed (I; 82, 87) SPRATS = Children (I; 37) I welcome any additions and corrections. I envision a complete list that will include words from all four vollumes. =Doug= Questions or problems to whorl-owner@lists.best.com