From: David_Lebling@avid.com Subject: (whorl) Mysteries of the Whorl Date: Fri, 11 Apr 97 10:10:46 [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] I was thinking it might be interesting to make a list of the major mysteries (or at least controversies) about the _Long Sun_ books. mantis did a nice (if typically oracular) one for the _New Sun_ books in _Lexicon Urthus_. (Perhaps it should be posted to the Urth list, which seems a bit moribund so far.) These suggestions are in no particular order, as you will see. Some are big mysteries, some are little... * Was that Pike's ghost in the manteion, or what? * Who was Blood's father? * Who was Orpine's father? * What are Quetzal's motives? * How long has the Whorl been in the Blue/Green system? * Why did Typhon/Pas send it? * Who was Urus working for? * What were the five very great things Mint gave up? * Did Silk replace Pas in Mainframe? * Should the landers really have gone to Green? * Exactly how much of the book did Horn make up? * Is Pas dead? * What about Blood's driver, was he Willet/Hossaan? * Who was the body in the tunnel? * What was the big fish that swallowed Mamelta? * Was Hyacinth a spy? * Who was the spy in the Calde's household Siyuf boasted of? * What went on between Hyacinth and Chenille that they didn't want to talk about? * Was Silk enlightened by Severian? * Did Silk die in the pit? Why did Quetzal lie to Silk in the pit? * Is Mucor a goddess? How did she do that, anyway? * What was Silk so despondent about on the airship? * What about all that confusion between Marble and Mint in _Exodus_? Feel free to suggest additional mysteries. I'm certain I've missed some good ones. Also, if anyone wants an explanation of any of these (you latecomers have a lot of Archive to wade though), I'll try to provide it. -vizcacha (david_lebling@avid.com)