From: douge@nti.com (Doug Eigsti) Subject: Re: (whorl) Mysteries of the Whorl Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 13:17:02 [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] vizcacha, A few (geographical) mysteries for you: *Why is Viron, in the South, colder than Trivaguanti, in the North? (IV, p79.3). *How do mountains cast shadows if the sun is always directly overhead? (I, p91.1) *How does seeing the Lake let Chenille know that she is getting closer? Shouldn't she be able to see it before she sets out because of the curvature? (II, p144.-1) *What is meant by the term "horizon"? (II, p255.-2) =Talon=