From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (whorl) Ask Gene Wolfe Date: Mon, 12 May 97 20:30:00 GMT [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] Attention ladies and gentlemen, lurkers and larkers, et cetera, et ali, and all ships at sea. In my regular correspondence with Gene Wolfe I asked him if he would have the time for a round-table interview (about THE BOOK OF THE LONG SUN) by snail mail, composed of questions from the Whorl list audience. He has agreed to this scheme, writing, "Collect some questions and I'll proceed to dodge them." Okay! So here are the rules: interested parties should individually come up with the one question they would most like to ask and post it to the whorl list asap. I would like to get something in the mail by Friday, so we'll assume that is when the train is leaving the station--the response and the next train would come a few weeks later. Please limit the question to THE BOOK OF THE LONG SUN, and (as we normally do anyway), be sure to cite the text if the question is tied into a particular scene or scenes. I'm thinking that each person can get in one question per round. (Conditional follow-up questions can probably be appended. I'll judge on a case-by-case basis, so go ahead and include the follow-up if you have it in mind.) Don't be scared, don't be shy! =mantis=