From: "Alice Turner" <al@interport.net> Subject: (whorl) Re: Digest whorl.v005.n023 Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 09:47:20 [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] > Aren't priests the only ones who carry the gammadion? For > that matter, is anyone besides Silk mentioned as having one? > Furthermore, the gammadion does function as a tool for working on the > 'Windows', the sources of 'revelation' whether you regard that revelation > as true or false or (better I think) truth which conceals another truth? > And I don't think that Wolfe uses language in a sort of simple > equivalence such as gammadion = screwdriver and nothing more; after all, > he could have invented some science fictinal gobbledygook for futuristic > tools like they do on Star Trek (induced phase decoupler or some such > nonsense). All priests carry them and have been taught to use them to fix Windows. They get fancier with rank---Quetzal's is jeweled. Incus fixes Hammerstone with one, and his non-priestly black mechanic pals doubtless wield them too, possibly illegally or at least heretically. I don't think any of us thinks of a simple equivalent (gammadion = screwdriver), but it doesn't hurt to use an analogy. Mantis once came up with gammadion = Swiss Army knife, and I rather like that. -alga-