From: Patri10629@AOL.COM Subject: Re: (whorl) Next Train a-loading Date: Sat, 21 Jun 1997 09:07:51 [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] My suggestion for the next wolfe train. Please nix this if it seems trivial. I'll gladly concede to a more crucial question. Your call Mantis. What was Wolfe trying to achieve in the Talus Factory Tour scene? What essential narrative freight does it carry? It seems much ado about nothing--all this detailed discussion of how to make the optimum Talus and the bartering about tactics, the order and price? All of which amounts to nothing in the greater scheme of things.What upsets Oreb so much that he screams? Was it Maytera's hand being repaired, as someone suggested here? It's just a puzzeling scene for me. best Patrick