From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (whorl) Pike's Ghost Date: Tue, 24 Jun 97 21:14:00 GMT [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] Reply: Item #7269253 from WHORL@LISTS.BEST.COM@INET00# alga, True, further questions might help. And multiple choice would narrow it down. Since Wolfe wrote "it wasn't machine made," I'm inclined to think that Pike's ghost is neither aquastor nor eidolon--not wanting to drive into the but-an-AI-computer-isn't-a-machine avenue (I think it would be a blind alley). So it seems to me we are down to two candidates: alien (inhumu, Quetzal or some other one) and miraculous (along the lines of the enlightenments--i.e., it is a real ghost). The thing seems to have physical presence--wears the beanie, after all. Therefore, your second version: "Is `Pike's ghost' really Quetezal? If not, who or what is it?" appears to fit the bill. And, if we don't get a whole bunch of questions from new people, then we can let it be yours. (Or vizcacha's, if he wants to use it as his follow-up.) =mantis=