From: Jim Jordan <jbjordan@gnt.net> Subject: Re: (whorl) Canticon Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 17:34:25 [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] At 12:44 AM 7/1/97 GMT, you wrote: >Nutria, > >Re: Cant, as a matter of fact, Talon compiled a list of cant terms >used in THE BOOK OF THE LONG SUN and I'm still working my way through >it using the OED, which so far has nearly all of them. Good. My memory has not completely gone. (At 47, you never know...). I knew I remembered a post on this, but could not find it. So, the good old OED has them. I could have guessed that, but at 47.... But I'm >always happy to take up an offer for help, so here's a few I haven't >been able to find in the OED: > >Abram - mad; naked. As I dimly recall, the first is the one that fits. >beggar's root - "rooting" is stealing. Rooting implies that several men are going out on robbery bent. >hornbuss ["buss" most likely = "kiss"] - buss may mean "steal." Horn is the nose, in the dictionary. I thought it might mean to kiss the penis when I first read it. It might mean to blow one's nose. I cannot recall the context. >ice [pre-1969, USA] - noun: diamonds; verb: imprison >iron (you're for ~) - iron can be money or courage; but an iron house is a prison. My guess is that Wolfe is using iron as prison, but I don't recall the context. >jump (full of ~; he's ~ for religion) A jump is an act of theft in which the thief takes advantage of an open door or window for a quickie. Thus, it seems to be used in the lupine underworld for "energy, energetic." >kate ["lockpick"] - a pick-lock or skeleton key. >larger ["more importantly"] - no entry. >lay [OED has ten pages devoted to "lay"; in Vironese cant it is used >in at least five ways, four of which I think I've found] > --breakin' ~. Breaking is burgling, from "breaking in". A lay is a place where a theft can be committed. >lily - a lily is a credulous person, a born sucker. I took it in Wolfe to mean "believable." >nanny nipper - a nanny is a brothel. A nipper is a cutpurse or pickpocket; to nip or to nipper is to arrest. No listing for the two together, so you'll have to find it elsewhere or make a guess from context. > >Thanks in advance! > >=mantis= Yer welcuhm. Ifn you have more, lemme know, and that's lily. Nutricious