From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (whorl) Peach scarf, scented Date: Sun, 10 Aug 97 04:05:00 GMT [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] Hey, alga and Talon (and anybody else who might have been tracking this curious bit of clothing accessory)! You will =never= guess where I just stumbled upon a woman's scarf, peach colored and scented! (Is this the same one that Silk finds after his convolesence in that fellow's room?) No, you will never guess . . . Here's a hint . . . It is in THE BOOK OF THE NEW SUN. Okay, here . . . It is in THE CLAW OF THE CONCILIATOR. Wait! You think I'm making this up! All right then, it is in the antechamber. Check it out! <mantis does the happy dance, just because> =mantis=