From: "Kevin J. Maroney" <kmaroney@crossover.com> Subject: Re: (whorl) Welcome Wombat Date: Mon, 08 Sep 1997 11:03:32 [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] At 10:31 PM 9/7/97 GMT, you wrote: >Re: Whorl flight time. It appears to have been 332 years subjective >time (III,173) and 1000 years objective time (III,242); which in turn >suggests an average speed of around .95 c (95% of light speed). (Time >compression, doncha know.) I'll have to check those references out. Does my memory about Rose/Marble's decimal point ring any bells? >OTOH, Quetzal became head of the chapter thirty-three >years ago (see character lists), so maybe this is a better marker? I would think so, given Wolfe's explicit statement that Pas did not know of the inhumi. >Re: NYRSF, maybe you could post a bibliography of Wolfe related >articles published in NYRSF through the years? Along with ordering >information! Actually, we're preparing a series of internal ads along that exact idea. The only one we've done so far is Delany, with PKD the obvious next; Wolfe should be right after that, since I can't think of anyone else who has received so much coverage in the magazine. I love your "Autopsy of SF", by the way--that'll be in 110. -- Wombat Kevin Maroney kmaroney@crossover.com Kitchen Staff Supervisor New York Review of Science Fiction http://ebbs.english.vt.edu/olp/nyrsf/nyrsf.html