From: Brownes3 <Brownes3@aol.com> Subject: (whorl) Derivation of talus Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 09:28:59 EDT I don't recall anyone posting a possible derivation of the term of talus on this, list,although I remember at one point several posts saying "talus" was still a mystery. Here's my try: I'm re-reading Nightside and came to the passage that describes the painting of Pas creating the Whorl. The message mentions two taluses of a particularly lovely shade of butter yellow. Obviously, they are bulldozers, but a certain kind -- yellow is the brand color of Caterpillar Tractors. So I went looking for associations with caterpillars or butterliesa and such. I needn't have been so devious. According to Webster's, a talus is: "a slope formed by an accumulation of rock debris." So a talus is named after the thing it makes: the slope the bulldozer blade leaves in the rubbled after it pulls back. What do y'all think? Rich Browne *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/