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From: "Kevin J. Maroney" <kmaroney@crossover.com>
Subject: Re: (whorl) Wolfean stuff in Nova Express
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 13:43:43 

At 02:55 PM 12/20/98 GMT, you wrote:
>(Patrick Nielsen Hayden reports on rasfw, by the way, that _On Blue's
>Waters_ has been turned in, and is scheduled for Fall 1999).

I believe that I am not telling tales out of school to mention that David
Hartwell was definitely reviewing the ms when I was at his house on Dec 5.
He had not formally accepted the book at that point, but the odds are
astronomical that he will. 

Wombat, a.k.a. Kevin Maroney kmaroney@crossover.com
Kitchen Staff Supervisor, New York Review of Science Fiction

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