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From: "Jonathan Laidlow" <LAIDLOJM@hhs.bham.ac.uk>
Subject: (whorl) new academic piece on Wolfe
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:09:33 GMT

Just noticed that the Summer 1999 issue of Extrapolation (40:2) 
contains a piece by John Gerlach entitled

 'The rhetoric of an impossible object: gods, chems, and science 
fantasy in Gene Wolfe's 'Book of the Long Sun'.

Not having easy access to this journal I downloaded it from the 
website of www.northernlight.com. This is a service that provides 
pay-per-view access to news, business, and scholarly articles. I 
downloaded the piece for 2.95 dollars. Note that it looked as 
though Mantis' Posthistory 101 piece is also available for paid 
download, for those who haven't got access to 'Extrapolation'.

I must admit to being very busy so I haven't read it yet.  I noted that 
the footnotes credit our little community. Are you out there John 

Will be adding this piece to the Ultan's Library bibliography as soon 
as possible.

Visit Ultan's Library - A Gene Wolfe web resource
Jonathan Laidlow
University of Birmingham, UK

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