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From: "Kieran Cleary" <kierannwn@tinet.ie>
Subject: Re: (whorl) SEAWRACK'S MISSING ARM
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:40:26 

Bill Carmichael wrote:

>A struggle ensued, and Seawrack came away from it with an arm missing.

The relevent line from OBW is:
"I noticed the dried blood among the folds of the skin on the stump that had
been her right arm, and understood why she had been so afraid of Babbie, and
whose blood had stained the deck at the bow" [p.155]

>The next time she comes to the boat, she comes with jewelry.

The Mother has some knowledge of humanity, certainly. Thing is, if Horn had
been any of the other outcasts heading for the lander, Seawrack would have
faced a life of fetching gold from the sea floor.

>I think it's pretty safe to assume that Seawrack's original form wasn't
anything remotely like human

It may be that Seawrack's not unattractive human form is as much a
calculated peace offering as the jewelry.

Kieran Cleary

North West Labs
Stephen St. Court
Republic of Ireland

Tel. +353 71 69441
Fax. +353 71 69451
email: kierannwn@tinet.ie

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