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From: "E Dorian" <edorian@hotmail.com>
Subject: (whorl) "Special Embryo"
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 23:35:16 PST

>From: shannon wilde <swilde_99@yahoo.com>

>Mssr. Newt, my memory fails also as to whether
>Hyacinth was an engineered embryo, though Silk and
>Chenille sure were. Anyone? How about a few characters
>not much speculated on, or even, eek, _all_ the, uh
>human Whorl denizens? (just spitballin here...)

Hello Everybody,

Could any of you tell me either where you read this or how you figured it 
out?  I am finding that I have missed many of the things you all have 
discussed and that my skill in literature analysis is not too high.


Dragonfly  (my new Vironese name!)

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