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From: Jim Jordan <jbjordan@gnt.net>
Subject: Re: (whorl) IGJ thoughts SPOILERS
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 09:49:46 

At 08:40 AM 8/10/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Adam Stephanides wrote:
>>Jim Jordan wrote:
>>>         1. The neighbor on Green switches the souls of Silk and Horn.
>That seemed
>>> clear to me.
>>Not to me.  What the Neighbor says is "'I can send your spirit into
>>someone else, into someone whose own spirit is dying....Then there will
>>be one whole man there, instead of two dying men, one here and another
>>there.'" (127, my deletion doesn't affect the meaning)  Nothing about
>>moving Silk's spirit at all.  And the Neighbor doesn't say "there will
>>be one whole man and one dying man," just "there will be one whole man."
>Also note that is says "instead of two dying men" which implies to me that
>Silk was already dying and was not just in deep despair contemplating

	Yeah. I did not remember right. We aren't told what might have happened to
Silk's soul. My guess is that he is dead. For Silk to die and to pass on
his gifts to another in the process (i.e., his genetically enhanced body)
is in keeping with the religious structure of the book. But with GW, you
never know!


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