From: akt@attglobal.net Subject: (whorl) Re: Digest whorl.v011.n027 Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 18:13:14 Said William: > Of course I eventually > realized that the reason no one else had mentioned this idea before > me was that everyone else had figured it out already and thought is > was too obvious to mention. Not so; we'd all been counting eyes, but you got there first. Mr. Borski: > Note the very last line from "The Night Chough" that I quote. In the > original text the word "Scylla" is italicized. But it's what follows that's > important. "That was the bird. And not the bird." In other words, Oreb is > saying "Scylla," but it's actually Scylla (and not the bird) that's > providing the information. My argument: that if you're a god and you're > using a bird for your mouthpiece, you're riding it. This may well be true in "The Night Chough," which only you and mantis seem to have read. But there's not a tweak of evidence for it in the five books we have all read. Scylla has apparently been there (for the story), done that and skedaddled. > Mr. Ansley then writing: > > <It is *completely* certain to me that an eight-legged creature one-third(?) > the height of a man will look more like a cluster of (shorter than a man) > boys or two men on their hands and knees (short > - because doubled over - and with eight leg-like - because of position - > limbs) than a Neighbor, who is as tall as or taller than a man and has only > four leg-like limbs (and, of course, four arm-like > ones).> > > All right, just for the sake of argument, let's say you're right here. The > 8-legged thingie is merely some indigenous, but anonymous, member of Blue's > faunal kingdom. What possesses it to jump from the cliff to the sea? If > directed by Mucor, what has she done so? In other words what are we make of > this leap in a broader context? Also: when last seen, the eight-legged > thingie has plunged into the water and disappeared very near to Horn's boat. > Just coincidentally, when Babbie first appears upon the scene some few > hundred words later, it's also in the water very near to the boat. I just > think the simplest most elegant solution is to assume both are one and the > same. If I'm wrong, I still need to understand the 8-legged beastie's > motivation for jumping--possibly even to its death, since according to you > (or at least I'm inferring this) we never see it again. > > Nice to have you back in the Devil's Advocate Position, William! Oh, don't forget me, Robert! It's my favorite Position, and I think with William that your tortured explanations are completely *unnecessary.* The 8-legged thingie is Babbie, whom Mucor has sent to be Horn's companion and guardian. That's why he jumps and swims. Why do you need to drag Neighbors or some anonymous critter into what seems perfectly obvious? It's the hus, the whole hus, nothing but the hus. -alga *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com