From: "Endymion9" <endymion9@mindspring.com> Subject: (whorl) Horn/Babbie OBW and IGJ More Sinew/Krait Thoughts Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 18:43:30 Just reread this passage in OBW p.377 "Someone on shore called again for Babbie, and I understood that he meant me; it never so much occurred to me then that I had sometimes been called "Silk" or "Horn." He who called me seemed quite near, and he called me with more urgency than Seawrack ever has. I searched the shadows under the closest trees for him without result. I had on my trousers, with Hyacinth's azoth in the waistband, and I got my tunic as well and the augur's black robe that Olivine had found in some forgotten closet for me: I left behind the stockings, boots, sash, and the jeweled vest. For a moment I considered taking back my dagger and the sword that I am too weak to use, but the voice from the forrest was calling to me and there was no more time to waste upon inessentials. I waded ashore and set off through the forrest at a trot. I have the pen case on which I am writing and the rambling account of my failure, with a few other possessions, because they were in the pockets of the robe." I've read people speculating that Horn was switched into Babbie's body at this point to hide him from the inhumi. I see the references to realizing whoever was calling Babbie was calling him and to trotting. But I also see him wearing trousers, with an azoth in the waistband etc. For Horn to be in Babbie's body in this passage some time must pass between the first and second paragraphs above. I don't see that. Also, the voice calling him from the forrest in the second paragraph would have to be someone calling Horn and not Babbie since in the second paragraph he is definitely in a human body. What I don't understand is that some merging of Horn's & Babbie's memories has occurred but at this point I don't believe Horn is in Babbie's body. Maybe Babbie's spirit is sharing Horn's body? Now on a different tack. Sinew and Krait. I am about to reread OBW and IGJ paying attention to any mentionings of Krait and Sinew. I am looking for evidence that they are different and not one. The thought I will be trying to disprove will be that Krait killed Sinew as a baby and took his place. I know in the final seedship scenes in OBW Horn mentions both Krait and Sinew being there, but I am investigating whether Horn has trouble remembering/wanting to remember that they are merely two different ways he views one entity. One of the reasons I am willing to consider this possibility is the discussion on the Urth mailing list of the Ziggurat. Knowing that is it possible for Wolfe to write scenes which can be interpreted either literally or metaphorically. Another scene that comes to mind is the one alga keeps mentioning, IGW 81-83. Did Sinew/Krait turn against/desert Horn and so he had Krait "die" in his arms. The faithful son he dreamed of, dying by his side, instead of the disappointing Sinew. If I have forgotten passages that clearly show Sinew and Krait as separate please bring them to my attention. It's very possible I have as I haven't reread OBW (except for small passages here and there) since it first came out. I also know that looking at literal passages as metaphors can drive me crazy in a Wolfe book, but want to explore this possibility anyway. Dennis/Endy http://home.mindspring.com/~endymion9/index.htm *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com