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From: Paul C Duggan <pduggan@world.std.com>
Subject: (whorl) 358 years
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 11:57:14 

358 years is an odd number

seven years from 358 will be 365 years.

Maybe something significant will happen to Silk in the 365th year, like
Enoch, who "was not".

Silk will be 365 years old, since he was an embryo when he joined the

"I am an impure thinker. I am hurt, swayed, shaken, |  paul           + | +
elated, disillusioned, shocked, comforted, and I    |                 --|--
have to transmit my mental experiences lest I die." |                 + | +
                     --  Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy    |  pduggan@world.std.com

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