From: "Endymion9" <endymion9@mindspring.com> Subject: (whorl) Scylla entries in Encyclopedia Mythica Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 14:54:14 I was searching for any entries on Cilinia and came up nil, but found these two for Scylla that I found interesting. Encyclopedia Mythica http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/ "1. In Greek legend, Scylla is the name of a daughter of King Nisus of Megara. She promised her lover Minos to deliver Megara into his hands and, to effect this, cut off a golden hair on her father's head when he was asleep. Minos, however, despised her for this treachery, and Scylla threw herself from a rock into the sea. Other accounts say that she was changed into a lark by the gods and her father into a hawk. 2. Scylla was a nymph, daughter of Phorcys. The fisherman-turned-sea-god Glaucus fell madly in love with her, but she fled from him onto the land where he could not follow. Disappear filled his heart. He went to the sorceress Circe to ask for a love potion to melt Scylla's heart. As he told his tale of love to Circe, she herself fell in love with him. She wooed him with her sweetest words and looks, but the sea-god would have none of her. Circe was furiously angry, but with Scylla and not with Glaucus. She prepared a vial of very powerful poison and poured it in the pool where Scylla bathed. As soon as the nymph entered the water she was transformed into a frightful monster with twelve feet and six heads, each with three rows of teeth. Below the waist her body was made up of hideous monsters, like dogs, which backed unceasingly. She stood there in utter misery, unable to move, loathing and destroying everything that came into her reach, a peril to all sailors who passed near her. Whenever a ship passed, each of her heads would seize one of the crew." Dennis/Endy http://home.mindspring.com/~endymion9/index.htm *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com