From: "Robert Borski" <rborski@charter.net> Subject: (whorl) Re: godlings Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 13:20:19 Rostrum writing: <I thought the main objection to the godlings is that in Act 1 (New Sun) the author goes into detail about why anything that big would have to live in the sea or collapse under its own weight and then in Act 3 he presents us with such a creature without giving us any hint of how it is possible, or even a sense that we're supposed to see this as a physics-defying miracle (and Typhon/Mainframe's wonders seem to be otherwise technological, unlike the "miraculous" wonders of Severian or Silkhorn's astral travel).> <(Maybe our hint is in Act 2 at the talus construction plant, but then what do you do with the obvious hints that organic Pig (he eats, his eyes are flesh) is a godling?)> Would it help to suggest that the term "godling" might be a generic one used by the human Whorlese to connote anything of unusual size, whether it's organic or mechanical? It's never used by anyone in Mainframe if I remember correctly; and the first time it's mentioned by Horn (OBW, 157), it's linked with his supposition that the gods themselves might be giant-sized. ("It may be that our gods did not come among us except by enlightment and possession because they were too large to do so; even the godlings that they send among the people now are, for the most part, immense.") I've already argued that the godlings may have originally been designed to host the gods of Mainframe, of course, giving them an alternate raison d'être. How better to preserve their prestige and awesome nature than by taking on larger-than-life forms? Surely, whenever he got to where he was going, Pas was not going to spend the rest of his life as a computer entity. And there's evidence in the LS series that the gods of Mainframe can ride not only people and animals, but chems. Some of you also seem to believe the gravity aboard the Whorl is tantamount to Urth's, but somewhere or other (can't find the actual passage), it's mentioned that any potential departees with cardiac problems would be better advised to stay aboard the Whorl because the strain is less on hearts there. So a giant being of the size that picks up Horn would not be subject to the same forces that preclude such magnitude here. Even if the Whorl's gravity were earth-normal, however, there's the dinosaur parallel--are the godlings really that much bigger than the largest of these? Plus we're also told by Horn that "[The godlings] move slowly," (RTTW, 162) implying that even with reduced gravity, there are constraining forces at work. Hide's dream also contains a doll, "walking slow," which seems at least to me an obvious parallel with Horn's slow-moving godling--implying perhaps that the godling who picks up Horn is indeed a talus. Pig--he's something else--an organic giant created by the same technomagic of Mainframe, only using different components. But I'd argue that neither Pig nor the Brobdinagian who picks up Horn are science-defying miracles, even by our own limited 21st century standards. Just godlings--at least as the inhabitants of the Whorl define them. Robert Borski *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com