From: dd@adobe.com (David DiGiacomo) Subject: Re: (whorl) The Crab Monster Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:32:42 >At 06:58 2001-04-16, Robert Borski wrote: > >>Horn subsequently imagines the monster to be some sort of alien Tithonis, >>granted immortality by the gods of Blue, but throwing itself into the sea >>because it has tired of life, or despaired because of the Neighbors' >>offplanet exodus, or it wants to be near the deity that granted it eternal >>life. >> >>I, of course, don't believe any of this. Rather, I suspect the crab monster >>is the Mother in her native, most unaltered, form. > >Well, it would account for Seawrack being able to stop it throwing Babbie >overboard (no easy task) and for it being in the story at all. So yes, it >could very well be the Mother. That doesn't make Horn automatically wrong, >of course, though I'm sure he is just making all that up. Is the crab creature the entity that supplies fish to Mucor? (I still can't make any sense of that scene.) *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com