From: Adam Stephanides <adamsteph@earthlink.net> Subject: (whorl) Textual criticism of TBOTSS Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:21:23 With all the talk about the difficulty of determining the "true facts" behind the narrative(s) of TBOTSS, I thought I'd try and determine just what are the textual "components" of the book we have, and how close each of them is to the events it purports to describe. In the analysis below, I confine myself to what can be determined from the text, setting aside for the present hypotheses about long chains of copyists and such (which I'll get to later). There's nothing really new here, but I thought it'd be handy to have it in one place. The components are: 1. The Narrator's manuscript, corrected for "obvious errors" and divided into chapters by the editors, and copied by the editors, presumably introducing further errors. 2. The third-person "Horn" sections written by the editors. 3. The first-person sections written by the editors, singly or together. 4. The volume and chapter titles, supplied by the editors. 5. The epigraphs to the volumes, of unknown provenance. If my hypothesis, that the final two paragraphs were appended by someone else long after the rest of the book was written, is correct, then all the above were copied by an unknown copyist, introducing further errors. 6. The final two paragraphs, authorship unknown. All the above were transcribed and translated (unless the Common Tongue is English; I don't recall) by Wolfe, introducing further errors. And finally, 7. The lists of "Proper Names in the Text," which I take to be by Wolfe, since the editors would have had no need to gloss Blue or Green. In terms of closeness to the "events" they describe, 1, 3, and 6 are written by participants or eyewitnesses, though the "correction" and copying may have introduced inauthentic material. 2 is a narrative based on a combination, in unknown proportions, of a participant's testimony, imperfectly recollected by its hearers (there is no indication that Horn's recollections were transcribed at the time he spoke them) and conjecture by the editors. 5 is a mystery: they may be transcribed directly from the documents, or copies thereof; they may be Horn's reconstructions from memory; or they may even be the editor's reconstructions from conjecture, though this last seems unlikely. Similarly, we don't know whether Horn, the editors, or Wolfe placed the epigraphs in their current positions. All the above takes the text's account of itself at face value. Is this justified? I think it is. The absence of contradictions, or passages of nonsense, implies either that there was no long chain of copyists, or that if there was it preserved the text accurately. And while the suggestion (made by someone a long time ago) that the hard-to-swallow elements of TBOTSS are legendary accretions to the original book has attractive features, I don't think it can be sustained. The style and voice is too consistent for the book to be such a composite. (And it's the astral travel I'd most like to dispose of as legendary, but if it were just a legend how would the originator have known about Severian and Merryn?) If my account is correct, then the "textual problems" raised by TBOTSS are a less difficult than any of the Gospels (though if you believe John is written by an eyewitness--a minority view, as far as I can gather--you may disagree), and certainly much less difficult than the Gospels taken collectively, or the Bible as a whole. For reconstructing the "true events," the significant components are 1, 2, and 3. And if the editors aren't lying, which there's no reason to think they are (and if they are, the problem of what "really happened" becomes unsolvable), then 1 and 3 are essentially eyewitness and participant testimony. The only major problem is 2, which admittedly is a biggie; but even here we know the authorship and sources, just not what stems from which source. --Adam *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com