From: Jerry Friedman <jerry_friedman@yahoo.com> Subject: RE: (whorl) Fallible Narrators and Even More Fallible Copyists: a Textual Con sideration of the "Book of Silk" Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:16:06 --- Dan'l Danehy-Oakes <ddanehy@siebel.com> wrote: > Jerry Friedman wrote: > > > Part of the reason for my lack of interest in the > > reliability of Wolfe's narrators is that this goes > > back a hundred years, to Henry James (at least). > I > > don't see much difference, for example, between > the > > editorial comments in TBotsS and those in _Ada_. > > I must disagree on theoretical grounds. The > discourse of > SF uses rhetorical devices -- and the tactics of the > > unreliable narrator, the "editorial" comment, and > metafictional devices generally _are_ rhetorical > devices, > that is, tools in the rhetorical toolchest of the > writer > (at least, the writer of narrative) -- in a > fundamentally > different way than does the discourse of MF*. I should probably mention that _Ada_ is alternate- history sf, with a little stefnal fun about the technology of "Anti-Terra". (Pace Nabokov and some Nabokophiles who would undoubtedly say, undoubtedly have said, that _Ada_ is a parody of sf, far superior to [what they think is] the naive and limited genre it parodies, and does something quite different with sf elements from what [they think] the genre does.) > ------------------------ > * MF: A term I've been using for some years, though > I > haven't had much call for it on this group. Just > as > the S in SF may refer to "Science" or > "Speculative" > [or "San" if you live in Northern California], so > the M in MF refers ambiguously/ambivalently to > "mimetic" and "mundane," the latter _not_ intended > as a faanish put-down term but as a descriptive > term > for "stuff that is about the 'real' world." > ------------------------ Or "mainstream"? [snip stuff that I may ponder more on SF and MF] > > And speaking of Nabokov, I don't see anything > metafictional in > > any of the __ Sun books that compares to _Pale > Fire_, > > I'm afraid I found it turgid. But I was a lot > younger then; perhaps > I should give it another try. Perhaps, but I'm not making any guarantees. For those who haven't read it, I think people who like Wolfe, especially his, uh, metafictional destabilizations, are more likely to like _Pale Fire_ than is the general literate population. I think it's great. ... > > Cf., by the way, not only "The Last Thrilling > Wonder Story" > > but also _The Lord of the Rings_, in which the > fictional > > Tolkien explains some features of his translation. > > > D'oh! And me a Tolkienologist. Well... to tell the > truth, though, > I think Tolkien's intent is exactly opposed to > Wolfe's; Wolfe, > as you note, casts doubt on his "translation" simply > by _making_ > it a translation; Tolkien seeks to grant his > subcreation a greater > sense of historicity and "reality" by an apparently > similar (but > functionally quite different) tactic. "Cf." abbreviates the Latin for "compare and contrast". :-) I agree with you about Tolkien, but I'm not sure I agree about Wolfe. Maybe he was locating _TBotNS_ (et seqq.) in an sf tradition that I don't think began with Tolkien, and providing a socket into which we could plug the bit about sealing the manuscript in a coffer and casting it adrift on the seas of space and time. I was just pointing out that if you like casting doubt on Wolfean narratives, this is another opportunity. > > Why is there a k in "Duko"? > > Because "Duo" would sound dumb? *hands on hips* You know perfectly well what I meant. If those four cities have Italian as their high tongue, why a k and not a c? Jerry Friedman __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more. http://buzz.yahoo.com/ *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com