From: "Huw Foster" <huw.foster@ntlworld.com> Subject: Re: (whorl) Exodus from the Long Sun Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 19:42:29 -0000 From: "Michael Andre-Driussi" <mantis@siriusfiction.com> To: <whorl@lists1.ba.best.com> > Hello there Huw, > > Welcome aboard! We hope and trust that ranjit will have the list-move Thanks. Glad to have found this list............ > OTOH, Patrick O'Leary (one of the original posters on TBOTLS) some months > ago told me that he was reading another edition of THE BOOK OF THE LONG > SUN, I think it was the omnibus edition? Anyway, he said that the much > beloved line had been changed from the first person "I" to the third > person. > That would appear to be the case, but I would rather believe that this is a mistake - some smart proof-reader having altered it erroneously while congratulating himself on attention to detail! ("Ha, they never spotted THAT in the NEL edition...") Huw