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From: maa32 <maa32@dana.ucc.nau.edu>
Subject: for joe- horn in babbie
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 22:03:47 -0700

For Joe, who said:
> If Horn is in Babbie, why have him in glasses? Silk is
        more likely to be in glasses, no? I do think there is something to 
this, but
        the relevant chapters didn't help me work it out

In a previous post, I talked at great length about the various clues of Horn 
in Babbie: Maytera Marble's prophecy, right in On Blue's Waters, when she 
says, after horn will experience wealth and command (ie, being Rajan of Goan):
"I see you Horn, riding a beast with three horns." OK - Babbie has two horns, 
and with Horn riding him, he has three.
Then at the end of On Blue's Waters, like three pages from the end, Horn says 
goodbye to everybody and hears someone calling for Babbie on the shore and 
knows that they are calling for him as Horn, then the narrator BECOMES Babbie 
for a few seconds (the text says, I couldn't see him, but I put my head on his 
knee, or something like that) as the largest fragment of Horn's spirit flees 
into Babbie, accounting for the great shift in narrative concern from On 
Blue's Waters, which happens almost entirely in the past, to In Green's 
Jungles, where the story of Horn is told in bits and peices and in large part 
in the third person at Inclito's house as a story that happened to someone 
else (because, in large part, it did), now that most of Horn is in Babbie.  
Read chapter 17 of return to the whorl again. See how he treats Hoof.  He hugs 
him, picks him up, comforts him, and tries to say huh huh huh at two points: 
once pointing to his mouth at his horns, another time right after he realizes 
his son is there.  (Has everybody just not been reading my posts?  Maybe I 
should organize them better.  sorry if they are hard to follow :( ?)  Sorry 
for repeating myself so many times for those of you who have followed me all 
along.  I think this outweighs the glasses a bit.

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